I believe manifest destiny is saying that we Americans are bound to conquer all the land west of the Mississippi all the way to the Pacific Ocean. We need to spread our economy and political system to the rest of "our" territory, no matter what stands in our way. My family will be able to explore the western lands and acquire free land. We will be able to grow our family and prosper, of course after we make the long trip.
I think that the newly settled territories in the west should do away with slavery and have free labor. Free labor brings about more prosperity, more equality, and more independence. Even though without slavery, there is more white class distinctions, that is mainly due to individuals inability or unwillingness to work as hard as other people (the richer). I would argue against slavery further by saying that it removes the risks of slave rebellion and increases available jobs for our growing nation. This means that my children and their children will always have jobs in farming or industry because slaves will no be in those positions.